
Livestock Management

Improve Local Livestock Production

Dropping from chicken, pigs and goats are ingredients to make fermented organic manure

Meat for consumption to get animal nutrients additive and also is an Income generating activity (IGA)

Culturing of maggots to feed chickens as nutritional feed supplement

Animal Husbandry – Taking care of Sow & piglets

A Sow pig can give births to piglets 3 times in a year and the minimum fallowing is 8-12 piglets each birthing.

pigs_eight weeks old

Getting pigs to market weight- We teach how to make feed for your stock

We use Piggery to Sustain the center and teach farmers how to better support their households.

Pigs are an excellent source of manure to make compost for organic agriculture. The health benefits of organic food is the big advantage.


Chickens_Widow Martha feeding_Layers1We teach the local farmers to raise a local native black chicken that consumes less feed and are more resistant to diseases.

We teach care and feeding of Laying hens to increase egg production and generated income

Advantages of local chicken are that the meat is very tasty and nutritious and It is in high demand in the local communities.

Chickens_IGA broilers



Broilers can be raised in 42 days to market ready

But Disadvantages are : –  High consumption of feed
Susceptible to diseases – Less demand on market