
Primary Health Care Programs:

TB Prevention
TB Prevention

EDF is providing educational support for health initiatives.   The Malaria prevention and primary health care project is one of our most important ongoing projects.  This project sensitizes the community about practicing good hygiene to protect them from contacting the deadly disease malaria. This programs runs continuously year in and year out. This initiative focuses on spraying the local spots where the mosquitoes breed such as in areas where stagnant water collects and helps the community identify those areas.  It facilitates that each family use mosquito treated nets as preventive measure.

Workshops & Seminars:

EDF is running training workshops for rural farmers and women’s training seminars for clothing design and sewing.

SoybeansMaternal health program: EDF is offering training in maternal health care to the community birth attendants, providing training for them on how best they can help an expectant mother. EDF is also providing basic Family planning.

EDF is promoting improved dietary measures through its nutrition programs and also by educating farmers to include soybeans, green beans and other crops into their normal home diet that they are raising for commercial sales to people in cities.

hand washingEDF is advocating to community leaders and members on the importance of  clean drinking water to the general health of the community

EDF is offering training sessions on how to construct an improve pit latrine (VIP toilets) and proper waste treatment. To improve family health, we encourage installing a tippy taps for hand washing outside of the Latrines.

 Cooperative Marketing:

EDF is helping to establish Farm Produce Marketing Cooperatives

Details coming soon!


Institute Curriculum:

Details coming soon!


Prison Project

EDF is beginning a Prison Ministry.

Details coming soon!